Make your treats extra special with personalized stickers that say it all.

Raya Stickers 2024!
Raya Stickers 2024!
Raya Stickers 2024!

Raya Stickers 2024!

Regular price
Sale price
Quantity must be 1 or more
If you have more than 1 type of sticker, please add this to cart before entering a new order.
Please choose 1 option
For your own artwork, please ensure file in high res pdf format.

Sizes & Shape that fits in 1 A4

4cm 30/A4
4.5cm 24/A4
5cm 18/A4
5.5cm 15/A4
6cm 12/A4
7cm 9/A4
8cm 6/A4

4cm 24/A4
4.5cm 20/A4
5cm 15/A4
5.5cm 12/A4
6cm 12/A4
7cm 6/A4
8cm 6/A4

5 cm x 2cm 40/A4
6cm x 3cm 24/A4

Your own preferred size do contact 84045413 for the estimated number of pieces your size can fit in 1 A4

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Subtotal $0.00

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