Looking for Children's Day Gift? Order now and treat your students to a special surprise.

Name Stickers
Name Stickers
Name Stickers
Name Stickers
Name Stickers
Name Stickers
Name Stickers
Name Stickers
Name Stickers
Name Stickers
Name Stickers
Name Stickers
Name Stickers
Name Stickers
Name Stickers
Name Stickers

Name Stickers

Regular price
Sale price
Quantity must be 1 or more
Please choose your size. Stickers will be printed in an A4 sheet.
Please choose the background colour.
Choose your preferred font.
Choose one icon for your sticker.
Type your name to be printed. Smaller Fonts for Longer Names.
Please ensure file in high res pdf.

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Item Price Qty Total
Subtotal $0.00

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